Finding Hope in Hardship: Understanding Your Emergency Debt Relief Options

Emergrency debt relief
BY Peter Warden
May 6, 2024
 - Updated 
Sep 15, 2024
Key Takeaways:
  • Emergency debt relief helps those with urgent money issues. It gives hope for a happier future because you can look forward to taking back control of your finances.
  • Debt relief comes in several forms. A professional debt expert at a reputable company should guide you to the version that best suits you.
  • There are many scammers out there, making big promises it's impossible for them to keep. So choose your debt relief company with great care.

So many of us have been there: that point when it’s all too much. The bills are piled high. You’re scared to use plastic in case it’s declined. Monthly payments are behind. And you dread your phone ringing because so many of your calls are from lenders or collectors.

The debt stress is getting to you. And you can feel it affecting your health. Doctors recognize that it’s normal for money worries to contribute to mental and physical health issues.

Now is the time for you to consider debt relief. And, if your situation is acute, you need emergency debt relief.

Emergency debt relief

Debt relief is any action you take to regain control of unmanageable debt. Its forms include debt consolidation, debt settlement, debt management plans, asking for an emergency grant, asking for help from friends and family, or even negotiating with your creditors for a payment break. 

The goal of emergency debt relief is to provide immediate solutions to prevent your finances from getting any worse, and to make it possible for you to get back on your feet during or after a crisis. Emergency debt relief is a critical lifeline when you’re in need. 

For many, enrollment with a debt relief company is the most attractive option available. They can act very quickly when your need is urgent. You get debt counseling from a sympathetic person, and the company’s professionals can work with all of your secured debts. Together, you come up with a plan you can manage. Your debts won’t go away (though perhaps arrears might), and you’re going to have to live within a budget. But, when successful, the plan can relieve your stress and levels. 

If you are experiencing a financial hardship, the debt experts might suggest something called debt settlement. This is when your creditors agree to accept a smaller sum than you owe but consider the debt satisfied. Why would they do that? Because they know they could end up with nothing or next to nothing. And something’s better than nothing.

Identifying when you need emergency debt relief

We mentioned earlier the point at which it all gets to be too much. That point can take a long time to reach. It’s a bit like the frog in a pot of water that’s slowly heating up. Things go from easy to challenging to difficult to desperate over months or years. 

Or you may have a catastrophic life event. That could be a long period of unemployment or sickness. Either of those could catapult you into financial distress.  

Either way, there’s often an event that triggers the realization of how bad things have gotten. It may be seeing how far your credit score has sunk. Or it could be an unexpected yet necessary expense that you simply can’t afford. Or maybe it’s a particularly aggressive call from a lender or collector. 

The list of potential triggers is endless. At the end of the day your trigger is what makes you feel determined to move forward to a better financial life. And that’s your first step toward happier times.

Emergency debt relief questionnaire

To know whether you’re ready for emergency debt relief, ask yourself:

  • Have I reached the point where I’m desperate for my financial stress and distress to end?

  • Would I prefer not to negotiate my own repayment plans with creditors? 

  • Am I unlikely to qualify for a debt consolidation loan? Your credit score may be critical here. 

If you answer yes to all, you should reach out to a reputable emergency debt relief company. Your main remaining option is bankruptcy, but that doesn’t go away when you engage with such a company.

Expect a warm reception. Don't worry about how bad you think your position is. A reputable company has experience helping people in similar situations. No one will judge you. You should feel supported.

Different emergency debt relief techniques work best for people in different circumstances. You can find out which type is best for you when you explore your situation with a debt expert.

How emergency debt settlement works

We mentioned debt settlement earlier. It’s when lenders accept less than you owe and forgive the rest. Typically, you would offer a single payment (some creditors may agree to payment plans). You’d need to have money set aside for this purpose. To build up funds to offer creditors, some people choose to stop making payments on their debts. If you do this, you should expect your credit standing to suffer. Also, lenders may get more aggressive in their attempts to collect the debt.

If you’re working with a debt settlement professional, you’ll build up funds in a dedicated account (it’s still your money and you control it). Once you have enough for an offer, your debt settlement professional negotiates with your creditors. When they reach an agreement and you approve it, the debt is paid from your account. The debt settlement company’s fee is paid from the same account. Then you can start working toward the next debt.

A good debt settlement company will be by your side throughout. And it should provide advice and techniques for how to weather the storm.

Just note that debt settlement doesn’t work on secured loans. So it can’t be used on mortgages, second mortgages, or auto loans. And student loans are a special case.

Other types of debt relief

You could call your lenders and ask for help, and you might be able to negotiate repayment plans. That could lower your monthly payments to a manageable level. The trouble is, many people feel wary about making such calls. And the prospect of any engagement just makes them feel worse. 

A reputable debt settlement company know what buttons to push and the pitfalls to avoid. Additionally, they should already have relationships with major creditors and may achieve better results than you could get on your own.

Filing for bankruptcy can be a highly effective form of debt relief. But many still fear the shame that they think comes with it. Still, this should be a step taken for wholly financial reasons. And it can work for some. Just recognize the downsides. For one, bankruptcy is public. Also, you might have to give up some of the things you own, or you could get stuck with an expensive repayment plan that lasts years.

Consolidating debts is another type of debt relief for those who can qualify. You take one new loan (usually at a lower interest rate compared to what you currently pay) and use it to pay off other debts. This could streamline your debts by reducing the number of payments you have to make, and may even improve your cash flow.  

Success stories

Over the years, Freedom Debt Relief has helped a million people like you. They settled 4 million accounts, resolving over $18 billion of debt. So it has more than a few success stories.

Take Ozzy. It took just a few years for Freedom Debt Relief to help him clear his $31,000 in debt. Or Patti. She got out from under more than $17,000 in credit card balances.

Luis M. had an even bigger debt burden in the years running up to retirement. But by the time he quit work, his creditors had settled his $60,000 in debt. That lifted a huge load off his shoulders and allowed him to enjoy his golden years. Watch his video on YouTube.

Red flags for debt relief scams

The Federal Trade Commission has stark warnings about debt relief scammers. It says: “Debt relief service scams target consumers with significant debt by falsely promising to negotiate with their creditors to settle or otherwise reduce consumers' repayment obligations. These operations often charge cash-strapped consumers a large up-front fee, but then fail to help them settle or lower their debts—if they provide any service at all.”

How can you tell the good debt relief companies from the scammers? Here are some red flags:

  1. Companies that want you to pay any money upfront.

  2. Aggressive marketing techniques such as robocalls.

  3. High-pressure selling techniques, including deadlines to commit. 

  4. Big promises before knowing all about your situation. 

  5. Scant or no information on neutral sites like the BBB or TrustPilot.

Debt relief needs to be tailored to your circumstances. And honest companies won’t promise anything until they know the facts.

Take time to research any debt relief company you’re thinking of partnering with. 

Emergency debt relief

  • Emergency debt relief has helped millions of Americans to get their finances back on track. 

  • You can negotiate directly with your lenders. But many prefer to rely on the professional expertise and contacts of a debt relief company.

  • Take great care when selecting a debt relief company. There are many scammers whose only goal is to milk you dry and leave you worse off. 

  • Debt relief comes in several flavors. A debt expert can help guide you to the one that suits you best.

If you’ve reached that point when it’s all become too much, reach out to a reputable debt relief company now. The earlier you address your debt issues, the faster and easier they can be fixed.

We looked at a sample of data from Freedom Debt Relief of people seeking debt relief during August 2024. The data uncovers various trends and statistics about people seeking debt help.

Debt relief seekers: A quick look at credit cards and FICO scores

Credit card usage varies significantly across different age groups, reflecting diverse financial needs and habits.

In August 2024, the average FICO score for people seeking debt relief programs was 582.

Here's a snapshot by age group among debt relief seekers:

Age groupAverage FICO 9 credit scoreAverage Credit Utilization
Over 6559782%

Use this data to evaluate your own credit habits, set financial goals, and ensure a balanced approach to managing credit throughout your life.

Student loan debt  – average debt by selected states.

According to the 2023 Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) the average student debt for those with a balance was $46,980. The percentage of families with student debt was 22%. (Note: It used 2022 data).

Student loan debt among those seeking debt relief is prevalent. In August 2024, 24% of the debt relief seekers had student debt. The average student debt balance (for those with student debt) was 50087.

Here is a quick look at the top five states by average student debt balance.

StatePercent with student loansAverage Balance for those with student loansAverage monthly payment
Washington DC29$85,809$208
New Jersey29$54,691$197

The statistics are based on all debt relief seekers with a student loan balance over $0.

Student debt is an important part of many households' financial picture. When you examine your finances, consider your total debt and your monthly payments.

Manage Your Finances Better

Understanding your debt situation is crucial. It could be high credit use, many tradelines, or a low FICO score. The right debt relief can help you manage your money. Begin your journey to financial stability by taking the first step.

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